Friday, March 16, 2012

SIRIM Approved Electrical Appliances

How safe are your electrical stuffs in your house? Does your kettle have “SIRIM” logo? Do your plugs labeled with “SIRIM”? If they are not, beware of their safety. It might cause some unpredictable accident. Why is it “SIRIM” logo important?

SIRIM ensures that the particular electrical appliance is suitable to be used in Malaysia. Besides that, it must be able to operate at a voltage of 240 (+5%, -10%) and at a frequency of 50Hz. In addition, it must attached with 3-pin plug (13A) or 2-pin plug (2.5A), suitable for Malaysian socket-outlet.

Bear in mind that, if the electrical appliances is not labeled with “SIRIM”, its safety is not promised. Recent years, some shops tend to import some electrical appliances from Indonesia, China and so on. Because of the cheaper prices, some consumers are attracted to buy it. However, consumers need to know that those appliances do not undergo series of testing and their safety should be doubted. It is not worth that we buy cheaper electrical appliances which might cause dangers.

Hence, consumers should think rationally before they buy electrical appliances. It is definitely safer for us to buy an electrical appliance with “SIRIM” logo. Although it might cost more, we should put our safety in the first place. 

1 comment:

  1. hello.... what is the safety standard for mobilephone TA application? typically the charger; as i notice that many china made mobilephone come with the 2-pin power plug charger (without the 3rd pin that connect to earth). Just wonder this is allowed by our SIRIM standard or policy?

