Monday, April 2, 2012

Plastic Containers

Well, today, let us talk about plastic safety again. Since we know that polystyrene is not suitable for packed food, then what should we use for our packed food? Most of us will opt from plastic container such as Tupperware, Cosway, Apple Lady and so on. Those plastic containers cost more, but we cannot doubt the benefits that they have brought.
Here are several benefits of using plastic container instead of polystyrene container.
1.  Plastic containers are safer than polystyrene containers.

 As what we have discussed in another post, polystyrene container disposes poisonous elements when it is heated. Polystyrene contains the toxic substances Styrene and Benzene, suspected carcinogens and neurotoxins. On the other hand, plastic containers are safer when they are exposed to heat. The chances for the plastic containers to eliminate poisonous gases are lower if compare to polystyrene containers.

2. Plastic containers are reusable.

Unlike polystyrene containers, we can always reuse plastics containers for different purposes. By doing this, we are giving out forces to help to save our environment from plastics pollution.

3.  Plastic containers can help to keep the food fresh.

Compare to polystyrene containers, plastics containers are more suitable for keeping fresh food. Foods that are kept in polystyrene containers are more likely exposed to the bacteria in the air. On the other hand, plastics containers help to keep the food fresh.


However, not all plastics containers have the benefits stated above. So, do choose reliable brands for your plastics containers. Some low quality plastic containers might even as danger as polystyrene containers. As a conclusion, spend some time and spend more money and buy a good quality plastic container, it save your life and good for your health. 


  1. but plastics containers also not good for health, cannot stand with heat, i think stainless steel is better....

  2. There are some kinds of plastics which are more durable and stand with heat to certain degree, for example, Tupperware Plastics containers. However, all plastics containers are not suitable to use for a long period, so, consumers need to beware of the using period. Regarding your suggestion on using stainless steel, it sometimes bring problems also. First of all, it is more expensive than plastic containers and also if it is low quality stainless steel, it sometimes eliminate poisonous gases also. However, is a good suggestion though. Thanks again.
