Monday, February 27, 2012

The Aims of This Blog

Welcome to my blog entitled, "Product Safety in Malaysia".

There are several aims of creating this blog:

a. To create the awareness among consumers in Malaysia towards the importance of product safety.

b. To expose the consumers towards the meaning and definitions of product safety.

c. To educate consumers regarding their rights to get a safe product.

d. To share the information, articles and news regarding product safety in Malaysia.

e. To provide a stage where can talk about product safety in Malaysia.

And last but not least, to take part in the “Blog Creating Competition” organised by FOMCA. J

Do grab this opportunity to learn more about product safety. Any comment, suggestion and opinion regarding this blog or the topic itself are all welcomed. Please look forward the following articles on the topic “Product Safety in Malaysia.” Have a good day. ^^

1 comment:

  1. glad to find your blog, to share knowledge and exchange experiences, please visit my blog if you please, and join in the GFC if you like it .. thank you
