Monday, February 27, 2012

Toys Safety in Malaysia

Today, I have read an article on “Product Safety in Malaysia”. From the article, we can learn that actually many Malaysians are not aware of how importance is the product safety. In western countries, such as Canada and United States, the authorities are very concerned about the toys safety issues. And hence, they recalled hundred thousands of toys due to the hazard brought by the toys.

            However, this issue is very seldom being discussed in Malaysia. Malaysians are not concern about it. Malaysians tend to choose toys with cheaper price rather than buying expensive toys but with the quality guaranteed.

            Actually, the safety of toys is very important as children are the one who are playing with the toys. Most of the small kids like to bite the toys. Also, most of the children do not wash their hand after playing toys and they will grab the food to eat. Some children even eating their meals while they are playing with their toys. If the toys contain poisonous, all the toxins will be swallowed by the innocent children. As an effect, the children might suffer from the negative effects!

            Hence, some effort must be put in to raise the awareness towards toy safety. First of all, authority should strengthen the laws and give punishment for those who produce unsafe toys. Also, Malaysians should be educated on the importance of toys safety. As a conclusion, to raise the awareness among Malaysian on toys safety, we need a lot of cooperation from authority, publics, mass media and so on. And, is time for us to wake up and say no to polluted toys.

To view more on the original article, please click:

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