Friday, March 30, 2012

Polystyrene Container

Every time when you are having your packed meal, do you concern about the container used for your packed meals? What containers do you usually use for your packed meals?

Nowadays, polystyrene containers are the most popular container used for packed lunch. Due to its lower cost and convenience, most people choose it as the container for packed meals. Besides that, polystyrene containers are easily available on the market. However, many consumers do not aware of the negative impacts brought by polystyrene containers.

First of all, polystyrene container disposes poisonous elements when it is heated. Polystyrene contains the toxic substances Styrene and Benzene, suspected carcinogens and neurotoxins. So, when we pack our fresh warm food by using polystyrene container, the heat of food will cause the container itself to eliminate poisonous gases. Those gases might bring harmfulness to our human body such as causing cancer and food poisoning.

Research found that in packaged foods with the addition of heat (such as microwave temperatures), vitamin A will decompose and produce m-xylene, toluene, and 2,6-dimethylnaphthalene. Toluene will aggressively dissolve polystyrene. All those gases will be absorbed into our body tissue and bring harmfulness.
Lastly, as a reminder, please reduce the use of polystyrene to pack you food. Do take care of your life and stay healthy. 


  1. It takes hundred years to decompose! :0

    Would you say it's healthier to use the transparent plastic container than polystyrene?

    1. ya, is healthier, however many people doesn't opt for it due to its cost. Consumers should raise their awareness towards the negative impacts brought by polystyrene. Thanks for your comment. ^^
