Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coca-Cola reiterates product safety

(News from Borneo Post Online)

Coca-Cola reiterates product safety
Posted on January 17, 2012, Tuesday
KUALA LUMPUR: The Coca-Cola company has reiterated that its products are safe and made from ingredients approved for use by local regulatory authorities throughout the world, including Malaysia.
The company said this in a statement yesterday, following concerns in the United States over the orange juice imported from Brazil.
According to the statement, the situation in the US is related to a fungicide that growers used throughout Brazil to combat a disease affecting their fruit.
The fungicide is permitted for use in most countries, including in Malaysia and Singapore, but is not registered for use in the US. — Bernama


  1. coca-cola not goof for health, are you sure is safe ?

  2. Yvonne, as stated in the news, the Coca-cola company use approved ingredients for the drink but the health issue is depends on how the consumer view. My opinion is that any food/ drink if is taken excess, then it will result in health problem. Thanks for the opinion.
