Saturday, April 14, 2012

Report those who use plastic in frying fritters

Read more: 'Report those who use plastic in frying fritters' - Top News - New Straits Times 

KUALA LUMPUR: The Health Ministry has urged the public to report cases of traders who use plastic in preparing crispy banana fritters as alleged by many.

  Its director-general, Datuk Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman, said yesterday unscrupulous traders who  did this would be slapped with a heavy fine.
  "If there is proof of traders doing so, the public should  report  it to the ministry."

  He said food preparation   found to be   harmful to  consumers' health would result in  the traders getting fined  not more than RM100,000 or jailed not more  than 10 years, or both, under Section 13 (1) of the Food Act 1983.
  However, he said according to food technology, adding plastic would not create such a crispy texture.

  He was commenting on  a reader's letter to the editor on the use of plastic in crispy banana fritters published yesterday.

  The letter said that banana fritters tasted better and stayed fresh and crispy even when left outside because they were fried with plastic materials.

   The writer said the information came from an article claiming that plastic materials, such as  plastic bottles or  straws, were thrown into the boiling oil prior to  frying of the fritters.

   Dr Hasan  said health officials would conduct regular inspections on hawkers to ensure that consumers were not sold food that could endanger their health.

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